It was a really good scary movie. Within the first 5 minutes we were already screaming like shit. Hafiza had popcorn all over her cos in a moment of shocked she just fling the whole cup of popcorn. Throughout the whloe show you are always on the edge of the seat.
Basically its about a ghost seeking revenge and she seek the help of Natasha who had an accident near the place where she was killed. The actor who is Natasha's husband is Pierre Andre, the guy from Gol dan Gincu who speaks with a slurred 's'.
So throughout the whole show he is calling the wife as ..' pleashhhe shhayang'.., ' ok shhayang' and many more 'shhayang ... shhayang...shhayang...'
But it was a good show that is worth watching if you are looking for a good scream.
My husband actually warned me before the show..'you jgn asyik jump aje eh.. control can?'
But me being the scary type..wt to do. 5 minutes into the show I was like too scared sampai mcm nak gi toilet je.