Today the final decision was made on the inter-discipinary trip to aust. There was so much ding-donging on the trip just within a week. Finally it has come to this. It will definitely NOT happen. Parents were called and after abt half an hour speech by P all was convinced that the most responsible thing to do would be to NOT go for the trip. I'm very sure that the parents were convinved but how much the students were convinced that remained a question mark.
There could a blessing in everything that happen. I also wouldnt want to go on a trip but yet go through so much high risk itinerary.
But whatever the decision my only wish is that:
DO NOT try to compensate the 7 days trip with a 1 day outing.
In Spore lah.. so safe.
Please I do to want to spend a day out with the students to
a. ZOO
I dont want to spend a day BBQing in school and spent part of the time watching other people spent 7 days in Aust in their self made you tube videos.
NO NO NO!!!!
Understand please that watching your video does not make the students feel any better.
BUT I still look forward to the end of May... yay